I am just trying this to see if emailing a post works. I seem to recall from my other blog that emailed posts have formatting issues, particularly surrounding paragraph returns.
Not much to report around Chez Spice. I am single spacing between paragraphs, using 10pt Arial, in green (for Spring, duh).
Children: Above average in looks, intelligence, humor, naughtiness, and defiance. Below average in eating and sleeping.
Spousal Unit: Grumpy.
Bathroom: Still In Progress. We have some insulation up and some durarock and greenboard.
Taxes: Not technically finished. Getting twice as much back from the Feds as we owe the stupid state of Nebraska.
Good Friday: Slacked around with the kids, and yet, there was peace. Oh how I love domestic peace. Sometimes I feel like I'm standing outside myself, snarking and judging my other self for the lengths I'll go to in order to have peace. Then I remember Blessed are the Peacemakers. Or is it the Peepmakers? I get confused a lot.
Holy Saturday: Dyed eggs with my parents, my siblings, and all associated offspring. Also, there was pizza and Rock Band on my brothers PS2. Umm, not so sure that my Holy Saturday was Particularly Holy.
Easter: A rash of good behavior at church, something akin to new life in Christ, for sure. Also, it takes about 4.5 lbs of milk chocolate to kill a dog the size of Barkimedes. That was a tremendous relief after he snitched some small, foil wrapped eggs from the kitchen table. Dinner with the in-laws.
Glitter Poop: Still gross.
Yarn: I finished a knitted dishcloth that looks more like a parallelogram than like a square. My mother-in-law likes it though, so I will give it to her. I frogged the sock I was making for Jason. The lefthandedness bit me again. My increases and decreases were slanting backwards and it was just making me bonkers. Need to finish a few things that are languishing on needles.
Books: Started the latest installment in the Maisie Dobbs series and the sequel to Twilight.