What do you do with the tangled lace-weight?
What do you do with the tangled lace-weight?
What do you do with the tangled lace-weight
Early in the evenin'?
Scream at the dog who chased the boy-o!
Scream at the dog who chased the boy-o!
Scream at the dog who chased the boy-o
Right into the yarn swift!
Cram it in a bag and drink some red wine!
Cram it in a bag and drink some red wine!
Cram it in a bag and drink some red wine!
Early in the evenin'!
That’s what we’ll do with the tangled lace-weight,
That’s what we’ll do with the tangled lace-weight,
That’s what we’ll do with the tangled lace-weight,
Early in the evenin'?
Sigh. I spent a stupid amount of money on 2 hanks of Orenburg Lace by Cherry Tree Hill from an individual on Ravelry. When I got it, it seemed suspicious. A little googling revealed that the label didn't match those displayed on the Cherry Tree website-- wrong type of paper. I was had. I put the yarn in the closet to think about what to do.
Some time ago, I decided I would salvage the situation by plying the 2 shades together-- chocolate brown and a true red. Only the swift got knocked over by Chas the Spaz and Barkimedes. I tossed the whole thing in the closet and decided I would untangle it later, at my leisure.
Today I decided to toss the whole mess into a plastic bag and use the swift for some hanks of Swish Bulky. So now I have a big mess in a ziplock gallon bag. I should toss it in the garbage, but I keep thinking maybe I will have an outbreak of extreme patience. Please stop laughing.
Also, I've started and frogged a pinwheel blanket 3 times today. Luckily it is a mere 7 stitch cast on. I am about to frog it again. I couldn't figure out why the damned thing won't lie flat. I forgot to KNIT THE EVEN ROWS WITH NO YARN OVERS. Fricking DUH.
1 year ago
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