Saturday, November 7, 2009

Book 42: X-Rated Bloodsuckers

Another installment in the Felix Gomez Vampire Detective series. NO SPARKLING ALLOWED! Felix is a badass. I like that about him. He does his usual ass kicking in this book.

Felix goes out to LA to investigate the murder of a porn star at the behest of her best friend (another porn star). He is also sent on a secret mission by his Vampire Overlords to make sure there is no overt collusion between vamps and humans. The pacing was brisk. Interspersed among the many action scenes, Felix is really grappling with what it costs him to be a Vampire and the kinds of relationships from which he is cut off. There are a couple of fun minor characters. Happily they don't all get killed off either. While I am a bit tired of the whole vampire romance series thing that seems to be going around, I do like this series. It's not maudlin about the blood sucking. Felix does not angst about his immortal soul. He is playing the hand he's been dealt. Like a grown up instead of a 17 year old drama king.

Spoiler Alert:

I found the very last part of the book a bit unsatisfying. Much like the Baker Street Letters, there is a big finish about 30 pages before the end of the book. Personally, I prefer that mystery novels get wrapped up promptly after shit blows up or vampires get staked and left to shrivel in the sun. It seemed crass and somewhat materialistic in the book as well as BSL that the big show was a real estate-money making scam and the loss of human life was an afterthought. A fictional bait and switch.

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